Placement Summary

Over the process of this placement I have become more versatile and confident in the delivery of athletics. The use of literature, university lectures and coaching experience has proven vital in my delivery and understanding to the athletes needs.

I hope to further my athletics coaching and gain the Uka Coaching Level 3 License.


Session 16


Session 16 was a hard plyometric & Abs circuit. Game of Ladders as a reward for their hard efforts.

Reflective Practice

The Session was well planned and was set up prior the athletes arrival. This was essential to enable more time on training to improve performance. I demonstrated each station and for those that knew the exercises were offered a chance to demonstrate. this method was used to show their learning and boost confidence.

All in all the session went well, however 2 athletes were not engaged with the session. these athletes were taken a side, following the positive reinforcement method. This worked briefly, but they soon began disengaging.

This occurred due to the intensity of the exercises and the athletes current level of fitness. This session was designed to push athletes to their boundaries, were as some athletes kept pushing others began to fatigue.

This outlines that grouping had to be changed from the initial needs analysis conducted in November 2012.


As stated on the LWAC website, the last 2 training sessions were cancelled due to the weather conditions. Hopefully this tuesday we are in the hall and can discuss the plyometric program and pre/post testing arrangements.

In the mean time Iwill be adding the upcoming program in the appendix section and writing further posts to improve my coaching knowledge.

Body as Communicator

In this video Kevin Carroll, presentation coach, explains the importance of body language when giving a speech or presentation.


Body language – gestures, facial expressions, eye movement, breathing patterns, skin colour changes, muscle tone, interpersonal distance, and posture – is thought to play a key role in sport, as the majority of communication there is done through the body (BPS, 2012).

According to the New York Times (2006), positive body language is essential in sports because it holds a team together and promotes effective communication. Winning is the common goal in sports, and poor body language can convey that you are not a team player or that you have lost confidence and respect for your fellow teammates. Positive nonverbal communication can solidify a team and help build both communication and respect. NCBI (2010) reports touching forms of nonverbal communication, such as a high-five or pat on the back, build cooperation and improve performance.


Body language will be focused on in future sessions and the impact of engagement and enjoyment will be noted.

References (2012). The key role of body language in sport | BPS. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 Nov 2012]. (2010) Tactile communication, cooperation, and performance: an ethological study of the NBA. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 Nov 2012]. (2006) Language of a Losing Team? Read Their Bodies – New York Times. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 Nov 2012].


Session 6: Road Run

Today will be challenging for the athletes as it involves running on the road at a coach delivered pace and not theirs. This will link well with grouping as it will display which athletes are more aerobically tuned. It will be noted for future road runs to generate the best session intensity for the individuals to improve their performance.

Also before and after the run, discussion on opportunity of athlete led warm ups and plyometric study participation will be presented.

In the reflection, the groups of individuals will be named by colour for confidentiality reasons