Session 12 reflection: plyometric intervention

In today’s session the understanding of power relations in coaching; paid off as negative behavior was quickly adjusted to positive. This also improved my confidence as a coach, which reflected in the session.

The athletes were guided through the plyometric program exercises and the standing long jump protocols. All athletes were given a choice of a game or long jump training, of which to my surprise – half continued with the jumps.

This will be further used and hope with the use of more positive reinforcement, I will be able to engage all into the sessions to come.


Session 11 Reflection: Hall Session: Plyometric

Unfortunatly the weather hindered the attendence ratio. however with the ones that made it, well done! You all gave 110%.

As the participant numbers were low the circuit was changed to 6 stations, of which focused on whole body strength endurance.

Instead of game for the end we coachs suggested standing long jump and triple jump practice. this proved effective as they all were outstanding. This means on tuesday I hope, the standing long jump test can be achieved.

As a coach I feel with the lower numbers I was able to be there for all of them alot more. This relates to the power relationship section well.

Session 11: Hall Plyometric

Warm up – Coach lead circle dynamics

  1. Handout of Plyometric Consent forms/recieve forms
  2. Data collection to be recorded on Thursday 24th

Plyometric Circuit

  1. Hop (Double)
  2. Plank
  3. ZigZag Hops (Double)
  4. Burpees
  5. Frog Jumps
  6. Plyometric Push-ups
  7. Situp

Warm down Game

  1. Ladders or athlete chosen


  1. Data collection on thursday regardless of weather
  2. Health and Safety