session 10: shuttle run- relays

Todays session went well. to begin i decided to give the athletes an opportunity to coach thier peers during the warm up. this was proven to be a success as they were having fun and working hard. this will be continued for further coaching sessions, to give them all a chance.

The delivery of the main session was of an autocratic style, due to time restrictions. however motivation was delivered throughout the sessions and the athletes encouraged others and themselves to push hard through the 25m shuttle run sprints.

As the session went so well; the cool down was a game of their choice. this encourages positive behaviour for future training sessions.

Session 9 Reflection

The session went well apart from 2 athletes not wanting to get involved. Reasons could be them not wanting to be at athletics on this occasion or my coaching style being autocratic? However I won’t know till I ask them in person.

Future sessions will have to keep all athletes engaged within the sessions. This suggests research into session delivery and psychological understanding will provide a good starting point which will be posted in the planning section.

Session 8: Relays

Winter is starting to bring jack frost to life. This kept most athletes snug and cosy in their homes, plus the christmas market is now open for buisness.

Training started 5 minutes later to allow athletes to get to the track, this is due to traffic conditions.

Although the athletes were cold to start we soon got their hearts racing and warm(dynamic warm up), especially one individual who took their jumper off.

We mentioned in a team talk the upcoming boston cross country and grantham cross country, over 11 needed to pay LWAC and they will put the forms in for them, under 11 can turn up on the day or download a pre-booking form online.

After a drink pause we continued to 3x(10x25m) continious realays with 5min breaks.

As the athletes did so well we played a short game and they determined what game they wanted to play next time as well: radar tag? I will look into this further to determine what it is.

Also the chip run has been moved from 20th thursday to 18th tuesday .


Session 5: 1K Reflection

On the 27th November 2012 the athletics group undertook a dynamic warm up, 2 x 1000m and a warm down game of bull dog.

In our session us coaches decided to let the new volenteer to deliver to warm up to allow her to delevop and gain more confidence.

She decided to use an autocratic style at first which soon adapted to a democratic way: Guided descovery.

For the main session of 1000m efforts, our group was joined by another. However the other group was differentiatiated from us as they had a faster pace. positive reinforcement was used to encourage athletes to continue at this cold time of year.

At the end we gave them an opportunity what warm down they would like to do; all voted for bulldog. This acts a positive behaviour management, as  a reward system.

My coaching on this day was less involved as I wanted the new volenteer to have more control over the session; building confidence to take a main session in the near future.

All in all the athletes worked hard and played hard at the end. It was a well delviered and participated session.

Session 4: 600m Challenge Reflection

Today’s session really showed the athletes determination. The weather was not on our sides with 35mph winds and light rain, which turned into heavy rain just after the cool down.

The warm up was fast pace and was delivered quickly due to the cold weather. However there were signs of some athletes disengaged with the session as the chattered while instruction was given. This caused a distraction for the others, with which I pointed out and asked them do you know what you are doing now (positive behavior management)? For which I received the response: no, ’cause I can’t hear you because of the wind. This was fine and I pulled the group in closer so all could hear well.

The main session was delivered in the standard way of one coach being at the beginning and one at the end, this is to ensure safe distance between athletes and to provide motivation.

All athletes performed well considering the weather conditions, their bleep test results also represented their pace at the 600m.

Session 3: Bleep Test Reflection

Bleep Test 20/11/2012

Due to confidentiatlity the individuals scores are kept secret. Each athlete can obtain thier score from the notice board in the hub on Tuesday 27th November 2012. Below is a report done in SPSS to find the mean value of the group.

  Std. Deviation

This shows the athletes are at a stage to increase their current intensity in training. A scheme of work will be developed from this and uploaded before Tuesday 27th November 2012.

session 2: Road Run: Fartlek-Reflection

15th Novenber session was a road run orientated fartlek session.

This comprised of a 10 min warm up game and a 45-50 min session.

The warm was changed from the usual one. I decided to use a games aprroach to warm up the athletes and “rise their motivation levels” in this cold time.

The game comprised of tig, however the athlete who got tug must perform a dynamic stretch then can rejoin the game. the tigger remains the tigger for 2min then the last person they tig becomes the new tigger.

After 6min I noticed that they were all having fun, however not all were doing the dynamic stretches. Thus I ended the game and explained that we needed to do more dynamic stretches with probing questions. This provided useful as they were aware of why we did them and they now all now what a dynamic stretch is.

For the last 2min of the warmup they performed dynamic stretches focusing on their legs and shoulders, ready for the run.

A brief drink break was introduced while giving information on  the upcoming cross country event and LWAC nominations.

Main session:

The athletes were asked if they wanted to road run or stay on the track. The athletes that stayed on the track did pyramids 50×3-70×2-90-120-90-70×2-50×3, with Linda Ellis Head Coach.

The athletes that went one road run, with Mark Thornton Level 3 Coach and myself, did Jog and walk efforts. This is an intorductory aerobic Fartlek session. This involved jogging for 10 min and walking for a min or 2 depending on how the athletes felt with the pace.

The route involved going down hills to work on their deceleration control and uphill to focus on thier power and stregth development.

I was aware that some athletes are more areobically tuned than others and the pace had to be adjusted to adapt for all athletes. The athletes that were not challenged on the road were asked byself how they were pyhsically feeling and if they were fine, which they were, they were asked to join me for one lap around the cycle track of 1000m.

This insured them that they were gaining more from the session and that if they stay at this level they will be moved up to the more advanced runners in the spring/summer time, Dave Humberstones Middle distance Group

Future Coaching Points:

During Warm ups ensure more praise is given and more encouragement to positive behaviour

When bad behaviour is shown, have more understanding on how to solve the problem.

This will be shown with further research in the management section

Session 1: Anaerobic: Fartlek – Reflection

After a conversation with the head, it was concluded that the planned session was not approprite as they had a competition on Saturday 10th. Thus the session got changed to 6 x 150m instead of the fartlek session planned.

However it is agreed that the fartlek session can be done on Thursday 15th (tommorrow). Thus session 2 will now be the fartlek session. Also due to having the hall available next week, tuesday; a bleep test (Multi Stage Fitness Test) will be put in place.


Overall I enganged with the athletes during the whole session and promoted a positive attitude towards individual achievements. I created a fun atmosphere by asking the athletes which dynamic exercises they wished to do, for instance (Wheel Barrow). This is great as it enables the athletes to use their arms and core to achieve balance. Not all achieved this, so it will continue to the next session.

During the 150m all athletes participated and represented near pefect technique. This was pointed out to them and to celebrate we had a game of bulldog (positive behaviour management).

At the end of the session I asked them what aspects they enjoyed and which ones they didn’t. This will be reflected in the next session on Thursday.


Two participants had an injury from last week, which was noted. They were infromed if they feel any pain to stop and inform us to prevent further injury.


I noticed I didnt involve the assistant coach much, thus next session i will brief them on what the session will entail and ask for the to take an active part.